📄️ Pricing Plans
In this guide, you will explore the various tiers and features of Moralis's pricing plans to find the perfect fit for your web3 development needs.
📄️ Compute Units (CU)
Learn more about what is Compute Units and how does it affects your pricing.
📄️ Rate Limits
Learn more about rate limits and how it can affect your API usage.
📄️ Response Codes
Moralis uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of an API request.
📄️ Supported DEXs
The Moralis Token API seamlessly integrates with leading decentralized exchanges (DEXs) across multiple EVM blockchains, providing comprehensive support for token-related data.
📄️ Supported DeFi Protocols
This article provides a comprehensive and continually expanding list of supported DeFi protocols and chains for the following endpoints:
📄️ Supported NFT Marketplaces
This articles includes a growing list of supported NFT marketplaces within Moralis NFT API to provide you with extensive access to NFT trade data and sale prices across different marketplaces and chains.
📄️ Migrating from SimpleHash to Moralis
SimpleHash is shutting down on March 27, 2025. Any project using SimpleHash API needs a new provider before then. Migrate to Moralis APIs in 4 simple steps!