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Version: 2.2

Get Token Swaps with Moralis API

Track buy and sell swaps for any token using the Moralis Solana API. This guide will walk you through retrieving swap transactions by token address! 🚀

✨ What You Can Do

With this API, you can:

  • Fetch real-time swap transactions for tokens
  • Track buys, sells, and new positions
  • Get swap details (wallet address, amounts, token pairs, exchange name)
  • Use this data for trading bots, analytics, or dashboards

🔍 3 Ways to Fetch Swaps

The Moralis API lets you fetch swaps in 3 ways:

  1. By Wallet Address – Get all swaps for a specific user wallet
  2. By Token Address (💡 This example) – Get all swaps for a specific token
  3. By Pair Address – Get all swaps for a specific token pair

In this guide, we'll focus on retrieving swaps by token address.

🛠 Step 1: Get Your Moralis API Key

Before making API calls, you need an API key. Here's how to get one:

  1. Go to and sign up (it's free!).
  2. Navigate to the "API Keys" section in your dashboard.
  3. Copy your API Key – you'll need this for making requests.

⚡ Step 2: Fetch Swaps by Token Address

Visit the swap API documentation and make an API request.

You can also use cURL, Postman, or your favorite programming language.

📝 Example API Request

curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-API-Key: YOUR_API_KEY'

📖 Step 3: Understanding Query Parameters

networkstringThe blockchain network (e.g., mainnet)
tokenAddressstringThe token address
fromDatestring(Optional) Start date for fetching swaps
toDatestring(Optional) End date for fetching swaps
cursorstring(Optional) Use cursor for pagination
limitnumber(Optional) Number of results to return
orderstringSort order: ASC (oldest first) or DESC (newest first)
transactionTypesstringFilter by buy, sell

🔄 Example Response

"cursor": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.IntcInBrVmFsdWVcIjpcImM5dTJrc2s2a2t3dmxlZW81eXVxN3h1NDZ4N256ZWJqdGQ5cGJmdXhhdXNtX1NXQVBcIixcImhhc2hWYWx1ZVwiOlwiOWJiNm5mZWNqYmN0bm5sZmtvMmZxdnFicThoaG0xM2tjeXljZHFiZ3B1bXBcIixcImJsb2NrTnVtYmVyXCI6XCIzMTczNDgzMTNcIixcImJsb2NrVGltZXN0YW1wXCI6XCIxNzM4MjQxNDI0XCIsXCJ0cmFuc2FjdGlvbkluZGV4XCI6XCI0NTFcIixcImxvZ0luZGV4XCI6XCIzXCIsXCJwYWdlXCI6MX0i...",
"page": 1,
"pageSize": 100,
"result": [
"transactionHash": "3S8wDKHkP9si7YajUuub8t7bKwGGc7umSo1bkwhwyT3yQpJJxmSfiGYjUVHD1s6EFt2tuDU1aT3zJdrcQu8xJKLy",
"transactionType": "buy",
"transactionIndex": 93,
"subCategory": "newPosition",
"blockTimestamp": "2025-01-30T12:51:16.000Z",
"blockNumber": 317348443,
"walletAddress": "9Mt5Z4k49NYa1va4i91nziJURWS1KmkVMxSd6BiLhESL",
"pairAddress": "AbCuhWFpcqspj4Cip3FEdJHqzouJqSa9PJLFd8TuvnPw",
"pairLabel": "Fartcoin /SOL",
"exchangeAddress": "LBUZKhRxPF3XUpBCjp4YzTKgLccjZhTSDM9YuVaPwxo",
"exchangeName": "Meteora DLMM",
"exchangeLogo": "",
"baseToken": "9BB6NFEcjBCtnNLFko2FqVQBq8HHM13kCyYcdQbgpump",
"quoteToken": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
"bought": {
"address": "9BB6NFEcjBCtnNLFko2FqVQBq8HHM13kCyYcdQbgpump",
"name": "Fartcoin",
"symbol": "Fartcoin",
"logo": null,
"amount": "16.236165000",
"usdPrice": 1.175495875,
"usdAmount": 19.085544983319373,
"tokenType": "token0"
"sold": {
"address": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
"name": "Wrapped SOL",
"symbol": "SOL",
"logo": null,
"amount": "0.079320000",
"usdPrice": 240.614535941,
"usdAmount": 19.08554499084012,
"tokenType": "token1"
"baseQuotePrice": "0.004885390113289905",
"totalValueUsd": 19.08554499

📖 Step 4: Understanding the Response

transactionHashThe swap transaction ID
transactionTypebuy or sell swap
walletAddressThe trader's wallet
pairLabelToken pair name (e.g., Fartcoin/SOL)
exchangeNameName of the DEX
baseTokenAddress of the main token being swapped
quoteTokenAddress of the quote token used in swap
usdAmountThe total swap value in USD
blockTimestampThe exact time of the swap

🛠 Step 5: Use Swap Data in Your App

🎯 Some use cases:

  • Build a swap tracking dashboard
  • Create a trading bot for tokens
  • Monitor high-value swaps for insights