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Version: 2.2

Building a DexScreener Clone

Learn how to create a comprehensive cryptocurrency terminal application with React, featuring real-time token data, price charts, transaction history, and portfolio tracking. This tutorial demonstrates how to build a modern crypto dashboard similar to DexScreener using Moralis APIs.


  • Basic knowledge of React
  • Familiarity with Web3 concepts
  • Moralis account
  • Node.js installed on your computer

Video Tutorial

📺 Watch the step-by-step tutorial on YouTube


  • 📈 Trending Tokens - Track the most popular tokens across multiple blockchains
  • 🔍 Token Details - In-depth information about any token including price charts and transactions
  • 💼 Portfolio Tracking - Monitor your crypto holdings in one place
  • 🚀 Integration - Discover new tokens from the ecosystem with our Pump Fun API
  • 🔎 Advanced Search - Find tokens by name, symbol, or contract address
  • ⛓️ Multi-Chain Support - Data from Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Solana, and more

Tech Stack

  • React - Frontend library
  • React Router - Navigation and routing
  • Tailwind CSS - Styling and UI components
  • Chart.js - Data visualization
  • Moralis API - Blockchain data provider

Project Structure

├── components/ # Reusable UI components
│ ├── layout/ # Layout components (sidebar, topbar)
│ ├── token/ # Token-specific components
│ ├── trending/ # Trending page components
│ ├── portfolio/ # Portfolio tracking components
│ └── modals/ # Modal components (search, filters)
├── pages/ # Page components
├── services/ # API services and utilities
├── App.js # Main application component
└── index.js # Application entry point

Moralis APIs Used

This project leverages several Moralis APIs to fetch blockchain data:

Token Data APIs

FeatureAPI EndpointDescriptionMoralis Docs Link
Trending TokensGET /tokens/trendingGets trending tokens across all supported chainsAPI Docs
Token SearchGET /tokens/searchSearches for tokens based on user queriesAPI Docs
Token Metadata (EVM)GET /erc20/metadataFetches metadata for tokens (name, symbol, decimals)API Docs
Token Metadata (Solana)GET /token/mainnet/{tokenAddress}/metadataRetrieves token metadata on SolanaAPI Docs

Pair/Liquidity Pool APIs

FeatureAPI EndpointDescriptionMoralis Docs Link
Token Pairs (EVM)GET /erc20/{tokenAddress}/pairsGets trading pairs for a specific tokenAPI Docs
Token Pairs (Solana)GET /token/mainnet/{tokenAddress}/pairsGets trading pairs for a Solana tokenAPI Docs
Pair Stats (EVM)GET /pairs/{pairAddress}/statsRetrieves stats for a trading pair (price, volume)API Docs
Pair Stats (Solana)GET /token/mainnet/pairs/{pairAddress}/statsGets stats for a Solana trading pairAPI Docs
Pair Swaps (EVM)GET /pairs/{pairAddress}/swapsGets transaction history for a trading pairAPI Docs
Pair Swaps (Solana)GET /token/mainnet/pairs/{pairAddress}/swapsGets Solana pair transaction historyAPI Docs
Pair Snipers (EVM)GET /pairs/{pairAddress}/snipersIdentifies early buyers/snipers of a tokenAPI Docs
Pair Snipers (Solana)GET /token/mainnet/pairs/{pairAddress}/snipersIdentifies Solana token snipersAPI Docs

Token Holder APIs

FeatureAPI EndpointDescriptionMoralis Docs Link
Token HoldersGET /erc20/{tokenAddress}/holdersLists token holders and their balancesAPI Docs
Token Holder StatsGET /erc20/{tokenAddress}/holder-statsProvides analytics about token holdersAPI Docs

Wallet/Portfolio APIs

FeatureAPI EndpointDescriptionMoralis Docs Link
Wallet Net WorthGET /wallets/{address}/net-worthCalculates total value of a wallet across chainsEVM API
Wallet TokensGET /wallets/{address}/tokensLists all tokens held by a specific walletEVM API

Token Discovery/Filtering API

FeatureAPI EndpointDescriptionMoralis Docs Link
Token FilteringGET /filtered-tokensFinds tokens based on complex filtering criteriaAPI Docs (Solana) APIs

FeatureAPI EndpointDescriptionMoralis Docs Link New TokensGET /token/mainnet/exchange/pumpfun/newGets newly created tokens on Pump.funAPI Docs Bonding TokensGET /token/mainnet/exchange/pumpfun/bondingGets tokens in the bonding phase on Pump.funAPI Docs Graduated TokensGET /token/mainnet/exchange/pumpfun/graduatedGets tokens that have graduated on Pump.funAPI Docs

Chart Widget

FeatureSourceDescriptionMoralis Docs Link
Moralis Chart Widget interactive price charts for tokensWidget Docs

Supported Blockchains

The application supports multiple blockchains with the following chain IDs:

ChainChain IDExplorer
Optimism0xaOptimistic Etherscan
Ronin0x7e4Ronin Explorer

Getting Started


  • Node.js (v14 or later)
  • npm or yarn
  • Moralis API key (Get one here)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd dexscreener-clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Create a .env file in the root directory and add your Moralis API key:

  4. Start the development server:

    npm start
  5. Open http://localhost:3000 to view the application in your browser.


The application uses Tailwind CSS with custom variables for consistent theming:

:root {
--color-bg-primary: #0e1118;
--color-bg-secondary: #141722;
--color-bg-tertiary: #1e2330;
--color-bg-highlight: #252b3b;
--color-text-primary: #fff;
--color-text-secondary: #8a94a8;
--color-text-tertiary: #636d83;
--color-border: #2c3344;
--color-green: #16c784;
--color-red: #ea3943;
--color-blue: #4878ff;