Verified Contracts & Collections
Verified Contracts
The verified_contract
status indicates that the contract has been verified by Coingecko, not by Etherscan. This means the contract has passed certain criteria and has been reviewed by the Coingecko team for legitimacy and trustworthiness.
When a contract is marked as verified
, it adds an extra layer of security, helping developers and users distinguish between legitimate contracts and potential scams.
Verified Collections
The verified_collection
status is applied to NFT collections that have been verified by OpenSea. This signifies that OpenSea has reviewed and validated the collection, ensuring it is legitimate and trustworthy.
Having a verified collection badge on OpenSea helps users easily identify authentic collections, reducing the risk of falling for fake or misleading projects.
Supported Endpoints
The verified contract and collection status is available on the following endpoints:
Supported Chains
Both verified contract and verified collection statuses are supported on all EVM chains.