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Version: 2.0


When setting up an Aptos stream, the webhooks sent to your specified webhookUrl will contain the following data:

coinTransfers: an array of coin transfers that occurred in the stream. Each object in the array will have the following properties:

  • coin: an object containing information about the coin being transferred, such as its name, decimals, and symbol.
  • to: the address of the recipient of the coin transfer.
  • value: the amount of coins transferred.
  • from: the address of the sender of the coin transfer.
  • valueWithDecimals: the amount of coins transferred, expressed in the coin's base units.
  • txHash: the hash of the transaction that triggered the coin transfer.

payload: an array of objects containing the raw payload data of the transaction(s) that triggered the webhook.

retries: the number of times the webhook was retried in case of failure.

events: an array of object containing raw events that were emitted by the transaction(s) that triggered the webhook.

coinWithdrawals: an array of coin withdrawal events.

coinDeposits: an array of coin deposit events.

block: an object containing information about the block in which the transaction that triggered the webhook was mined, such as its number, timestamp, hash, firstVersion, and lastVersion.

transactions: an array of all transactions included in the block holding information about gas used, gas price, and the transaction hash.

tag: the tag provided when creating the stream. Useful to identify the stream.

streamId: the unique ID of the stream.

Please note that data in the coinTransfers array will only be included if the payload function is either 0x1::coin::transfer or 0x1::aptos_account::transfer.

Also the coinDeposits and coinWithdrawals will always be available if there are transactions that emit 0x1::coin::WithdrawEvent or 0x1::coin::DepositEvent even if the payload function is not 0x1::coin::transfer or 0x1::aptos_account::transfer. Also it will always be included even with includeEvents set to false.


Consider following Stream Config:

"streamId": "aa3e4721-be91-4919-8649-d46d5c2a21f7",
"includeEvents": true,
"includePayload": false,
"includeChanges": false,
"allAddresses": true,
"events": ["0x1::coin::WithdrawEvent", "0x1::coin::DepositEvent"],
"functions": [],
"webhookUrl": "",
"tag": "myAptosStream",
"description": "My Aptos Stream",
"network": ["mainnet"]

The following is an example of a webhook payload that would be sent to the webhookUrl:

"streamId": "aa3e4721-be91-4919-8649-d46d5c2a21f7",
"tag": "myAptosStream",
"network": "mainnet",
"block": {
"number": "27827628",
"timestamp": "1674578824913485",
"hash": "0x3ceea5072b32371f3f5cc0a89c06ca641627583698b7f6d3a5e1a23468b5c2a0",
"firstVersion": "75418334",
"lastVersion": "75418336"
"retries": 0,
"coinTransfers": [],
"coinDeposits": [
"value": "220000000000",
"address": "0xe564aa362c7a9786eb7c72d2671b7398cb5a75b9fb1210fbd84cd05d691e44d3",
"coin": {
"decimals": 8,
"name": "Aptos Coin",
"symbol": "APT"
"valueWithDecimals": 2200,
"sequenceNumber": "71",
"txHash": "0x512627652e226ba53f038c8c25695aaae66b3ed476f4ceb4be7c5bb686d35811"
"coinWithdrawals": [
"value": "220000000000",
"address": "0x4bec62452ff79010d9d248dc6961d77db00cbedbf690c22a30d923c825c7ac00",
"coin": {
"decimals": 8,
"name": "Aptos Coin",
"symbol": "APT"
"valueWithDecimals": 2200,
"sequenceNumber": "3813",
"txHash": "0x512627652e226ba53f038c8c25695aaae66b3ed476f4ceb4be7c5bb686d35811"
"transactions": [
"gasLimit": "1762",
"gasUnitPrice": "120",
"gasUsed": "1175",
"hash": "0x512627652e226ba53f038c8c25695aaae66b3ed476f4ceb4be7c5bb686d35811",
"stateChangeHash": "0x08fd784ebe37618af6d14fed695d2e928f776db7e317f222a02bcf92129a7c87",
"eventChangeHash": "0x9c4de2e4395185631ffb67407c1e74fc5ca850874146950a75948ee4373a611f",
"success": true,
"type": "user_transaction",
"sender": "0x498ca57f59f63d12b4ea96e77f1de2a839fdbbd1ce4e39c0e78da708758b91aa"
"changes": [],
"payloads": [],
"events": [
"guid": {
"creation_number": "5",
"account_address": "0x4bec62452ff79010d9d248dc6961d77db00cbedbf690c22a30d923c825c7ac00"
"sequence_number": "3813",
"type": "0x1::coin::WithdrawEvent",
"data": {
"amount": "220000000000"
"txHash": "0x512627652e226ba53f038c8c25695aaae66b3ed476f4ceb4be7c5bb686d35811"
"guid": {
"creation_number": "2",
"account_address": "0xe564aa362c7a9786eb7c72d2671b7398cb5a75b9fb1210fbd84cd05d691e44d3"
"sequence_number": "71",
"type": "0x1::coin::DepositEvent",
"data": {
"amount": "220000000000"
"txHash": "0x512627652e226ba53f038c8c25695aaae66b3ed476f4ceb4be7c5bb686d35811"