Pulsechain JSON RPC API
Pulsechain is a high-performance Ethereum-compatible blockchain designed to offer fast and cost-effective transactions. With its focus on scalability and efficiency, Pulsechain is an ideal platform for developers building decentralized applications (dApps), particularly in the DeFi and NFT spaces.
Supported Networks
The Pulsechain RPC API is available for the following networks:
- Pulsechain Mainnet
Network Details
Network | Chain ID | EVM Chain | RPC URLs |
Pulsechain Mainnet | 0x171 (369) | EvmChain.PULSECHAIN | https://site1.moralis-nodes.com/pulse/ |
https://site2.moralis-nodes.com/pulse/ |
Supported RPC Methods
- eth_blockNumber
- eth_call
- eth_chainId
- eth_createAccessList
- eth_estimateGas
- eth_feeHistory
- eth_gasPrice
- eth_getBalance
- eth_getBlockByHash
- eth_getBlockByNumber
- eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash
- eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber
- eth_getBlockReceipts
- eth_getCode
- eth_getLogs
- eth_getProof
- eth_getStorageAt
- eth_getTransactionByHash
- eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex
- eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex
- eth_getTransactionCount
- eth_getTransactionReceipt
- eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex
- eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex
- eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash
- eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber
- eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas
- eth_sendRawTransaction
Supported Extended RPC Methods
- eth_getTransactions
- eth_getDecodedTransactions
- eth_getTokenBalances
- eth_getTokenPrice
- eth_getTokenMetadata
Start Building on Pulsechain with Moralis
Discover the full potential of Pulsechain by integrating Moralis RPC APIs into your dApps. Visit our Pulsechain page to learn more about how to get started and leverage cutting-edge blockchain tools for your project.